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Coventry Public Schools of Rhode Island

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Technology Frequently Asked Questions


Using Your Laptop with a Projector

Setting GMail to Open Email Links

ELMO Setup

Two-Step Verification Instructions

Remove Chrome Extensions

Clear Cache in Chrome

Google Meet Performance Tips

Mirror Screen to a Projector

Adjusting Audio and Video Sources on a Chromebook for Distance Learning


What do I do if a student has forgotten his/her Google password or is new to Coventry?

A: If a student has forgotten their Google password, please help them to fill out the form located here.  This link is on the district homepage and is called G-Suite Password Assistance.  Password resets are typically handled throughout the day, but they are always done at least once per day.


What do I do if a student has forgotten his/her Aspen password?


A: If a student has forgotten their Aspen password, they should see their guidance counselor.




What does a student do if they forgot their Chromebook?

A: Day loaner CBs are available to students through the media center.  Students can check out a CB in the morning with the librarian and it must be returned at the end of the  day.   These CBs are marked with white tape so staff can easily distinguish between a long term loaner a student receives and returns to a technician as part of the repair process and a day loaner for those who forget their CB.   Students should not abuse the day loaner system as they are expected to bring their own CB to class.  If a student repeatedly comes to class unprepared without a CB, consequences should be considered.


What does a student do if their Chromebook is damaged?


A:The student shall be responsible for the proper care of the borrowed device. Damage due to accidental drops or falls and any mechanical failures are covered by CPS. Damage due to misuse of the Chromebook is the responsibility of the student/parent. This is explained in the District-Issued Device Agreement linked above.


CHS or FMS students who need their Chromebook repaired should see the clerk in the guidance office.  A loaner device will be provided while the device is serviced.

What do I do if a staff member has forgotten their Google/Windows password?


A:Staff members that need password help should reach out to an administrator.  For privacy, we will not change a staff member's password at the request of another staff member.


How do I change my password?


A: Log onto a classroom computer (NOT a Chromebook).  Once logged on, hit CTRL-ALT-DEL.  Click "Change Password."  Enter your current password in the first box, and then the new password you wish to use in the second and third boxes.  Click OK.  Once this password change is completed, the new password will synchronize over to your Google account.